In the online marketing space, everybody loves the quick win. 

The Team

Mark Firehammer

Certified Consultant, Marketing Educator, agency owner, pilates lover having done the polestar teacher training he’s in the best shape of his life. When he is not creating content for Fitness Business Pros, or helping fitness business owners the more successful, you can find him playing with his cats, making the world’s best beef jerky or hanging out the people in his pandemic pod!

Mark Firehammer 2023 scaled e1702574901177 fitbusinesspros.com


MINDBODY Certifications

MINDBODY Certified Business Consultant 32 kb fitbusinesspros.com
Software Consultant Small fitbusinesspros.com

Google Certifications

Google Analytics Academy-Advanced Google Analytics Certification
The Google Analytics Power User Certification for Mark Firehammer

Laurie Johnson

As a child at play, Laurie opened and ran many small businesses in her imagination. On most days, she still feels like she is still playing instead of running a flourishing business.
Laurie is a social media, marketing and innovation strategist with an exceptional track record of getting things done, while making it look easy. At her studio, she manages all marketing, web content, communications, and program development.

Laurie Johnson 2023 e1702575428900 fitbusinesspros.com

Earned Certifications

fundamentals of graphic design fitbusinesspros.com
Intro to type fitbusinesspros.com

Katrina Hawley

Veteran studio owner, senior Polestar Educator and adjunct staff at the in the Dance Division of the Hartt School at The University of Hartford. When not teaching clients, other teachers or dance students you will find Katrina playing with her cats Uncle Louis and Sadie Grace, hiking, cooking or listening to political podcasts while playing games on her phone.

Katrina Hawley blue 2023 e1702574950578 fitbusinesspros.com

Pilates Method Alliance Certified

Certified Pilates Teacher-- Pilates method alliance Katrina Hawley

Polestar Senior Educator

polestar pilates apparatus training e1582659956859 fitbusinesspros.com
home polestar gray fitbusinesspros.com

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