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Plingo Challenge


Puzzled about how to reliably increase average client value?

Get the a Plingo Challenge on your events calendar and you’ll be confident and relaxed about increasing client value while creating an environment buzzing with excitement and competitive spirit!

 2 Versions

  1. Do-It-Yourself Canva
  2. Done for You: We Do All the Customization for You!
SKU: CO-PR-BUS-PC Category: Tag:

If your average client value has flatlined The Plingo Challenge is a very engaging game that will give you the power to increase your average client value!

It is designed to increase client visits, class attendance, social media activity and average client monthly worth.  It works best when scheduled strategically (i.e around the holidays) to keep clients on track during hectic times.

A client participates by buying a Plingo Card. On the card are 16 “actions” in a 4×4 grid.  Each time your client completes an action they receive a stamp from your staff. Each 4 in a row (vertical, horizontal or diagonal) is called a “Plingo”.  Each Plingo earns them a chance (raffle ticket) for the grand prize.

You get everything you need to host your Plingo challenge

  • Print Ready Plingo cards
  • 40 Plingo Action Ideas
  • 2 Page Step-By-Step Plingo Planning Guide
  • 60 Day Plingo Planning Calendar

Plus everything you need to promote your Plingo challenge

  • 1 Plingo Flyer
  • 1 Plingo Poster
  • 3 Plingo Website/Blog Graphics
  • 2 Facebook Event Graphics
  • 25 Social Media Plingo Posts
  • 8 Touch E-Mail Promotion Series
  • 4 Bonus E-Mail Messages

35 professionally designed assets in total!

Plingo is a license for one full year, and you can use it as many times as you want.

You’ll become known in your marketplace as one of the books exceptional creative Pilates studio owner or manager when you add the Plingo Challenge to your studio events!



Done for You, Canva


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